VRoma Help Library aedificans!

How to use these help files

Table of Contents

NB: We are gradually updating these help files to reflect the changes introduced by our move to the enCore database. Files which have been updated are marked in red.

I. Reference sheets: General Information and MOO Commands

II. Tutorials

III. Handouts from the 1998 Workshop
These are available in html and PDF format, for ease of use in workshops. This page also explains what "PDF" is and how to use it.

IV. Other

How to use these help files

You may want to print out the Basic Commands and Building Commands pages, to have nearby while you are logged into the MOO (at least at first!).

The tutorials are meant to guide you through your MOO experience while you are actually logged in to the MOO. However, you should first read through them carefully, even though some of the information they contain will make much more sense once you have logged in and experienced some MOOing first-hand!

If you have never logged into a MOO before, we suggest that you start with the Introduction to the VRoma MOO handout to learn about logging-in, moving around and communicating (also available in PDF format, which is nicer for printing out). Then you should log in and practice a bit! If you are nervous about doing this on your own, please don't hesitate to write to Suzanne Bonefas (bonefas@acs.colleges.org) or Barbara McManus (bmcmanus@ix.netcom.com) to arrange a live tutorial session. We will also hold occasional orientation sessions for newcomers, but you need not wait for these!

After you become comfortable moving around and communicating on the MOO, you may want to move on to MOO building -- helping us actually build Rome on-line! Then you will want to read the Building and Object Creation tutorials and decide what you or your students would like to build on the MOO.

These pages are not the only source of MOO help. The MOO itself has an extensive built-in help system, accessible from within the MOO. After you have logged in, either type 'help' in the text window OR click on 'Help' in the menu bar along the right side of the web window.

Last but not least, the best source of help may be your fellow VRomans -- don't hesitate to ask anyone on-line for help, or to write to any of the VRoma consuls or senators, either via MOOmail or regular e-mail!

Table of Contents

All documentation written primarily by Barbara McManus and Suzanne Bonefas, with help from numerous VRomans.

Please direct questions about this document to vroma@vroma.org.
6 February 2003

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