VRoma Xpress Icons and Toolbar

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Common Xpress Icons
(These icons will only appear in the web window when you are able to perform the function they indicate.)
Go back; view previous Clicking on this icon returns you to the previous page in the web window, like the Back button on your browser; note that it does not reload the page (you must click on the Look button on the toolbar to refresh the view of a room).
About this object Clicking on this icon gives you information about the object, including its associated verbs (which indicate actions that can be performed on it) and any help text that is available.
Take this object Clicking on this icon enables your character to pick up the object if it is not locked. However, it is much better to type take name-of-object in the input window, because once you select this icon the MOO assumes that you want to pick up every object that you click on.
Email contents to me Clicking on this icon enables you to email the contents of a note to your registered email address.
Edit this object Clicking on this icon enables you to use the Xpress Object Editor to add various features to your object.
Lock this object Clicking on this icon enables you to lock an object so that it cannot be picked up by anyone but you. If you wish to lock an object into the room where it is currently located, however, you must type @lock name-of-object with here in the input window.
Recycle this object Clicking on this icon enables you to recycle an object.

Xpress Toolbar Buttons

About Button: Information about the MOO
Information about the MOO Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with technical information about the VRoma MOO and the enCore database.
Help Button: Browse the MOO's Help System
Browse the MOO's Help System Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with a box to type keywords to search for in the Help database. The window itself is divided into three parts. On the left is a list of categories of Help topics customized to your character (e.g., only builders and above will see a link to the Builder Help DB). When you click on one of the links in this list, you will see a list of available topics in that category in the upper part of the right column. When you select one of these topics, the help text will appear in the lower portion of the right column.
Xpress Button: Xpress Links to MOO Resources
Xpress Links to MOO Resources Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with four features. Bookmarks, Notebook, Log, or VASE. Each of these is explained in detail below

When the pop-up window first appears, you will see the Bookmarks feature with two links. The first reads [Your character's] Personal Bookmarks. This feature enables you to bookmark your favorite locations in the MOO so you can teleport (jump quickly) to those rooms. In order to add a personal bookmark, go to the room you want to bookmark, click on the Xpress button, and then click Bookmark current location. A link enabling you to teleport to this room will be added to your list of personal bookmarks.

The second Bookmark link reads Quick Jump. Clicking on this link gives a list that will enable you to teleport to all of the major areas in VRoma—Rome, each of the 14 regions, and Officina—by clicking on its name.

Notebook If you click on Notebook, you will see a box where you can type notes the you want to remember from your VRoma visit; you can also copy and paste text into this box. You have two options for saving the text in this box.
  1. From the Choose action drop-down menu, select Save in MOO, and your text will be saved in this box and available to you the next time you click on Notebook.
  2. From the Choose action drop-down menu, select Save to Email, and your text will be sent to your registered email address.
IMPORTANT! Any time you make changes to your notebook, you must select one of these methods of saving it before clicking close or selecting another Xpress application. If you forget to do this, your most recent changes will be lost. It is better to save in the MOO as you continue your explorations and then save to email when you are ready to leave, so that all your notes will be included in one email. Once your notes have been sent to your email address, you can erase the box via the Choose action drop-down menu.
Log If you click on Log, you will see a box where you can make a record of the text side of your visit to VRoma (i.e, the log will record most of the information that appears in the upper left portion of your screen, including dialogue and emotes). To start a log, select Start logging from the Choose action drop-down menu. When you are ready to leave VRoma, click on the Log feature again and select Stop logging from the Choose action drop-down menu. Then select Save to Email and the log will be sent to your registered email address. You should then select Erase log because logs saved in the MOO take up a lot of quota.
VASE If you click on VASE, you will see a pop-up window entitled VRoma Virtual Assignment Server that contains a list of projects that teachers have posted in VRoma. Click on a project title, and you will receive information and instructions about the project, with a link at the bottom that will enable you to participate in the project. Clicking on “I would like to work on this project” will give you another window with a web form where you can type in your name and email address, and complete the written part of the assignment. Before entering any information, be sure to click on Show Available Help for tips on using this form. You can click on Save and View at any time to see how your work is progressing. After saving your work, you can close the Xpress window and return to your project later by selecting VASE again, and then clicking on Edit in the Participants column. Finally, when you are ready to submit your assignment to the project designer, click on Save and Hand in Project.
Look Button: Focus on My Location
Look Button: Focus on My Location Clicking on this button will always return your web window to the main view of the room in which you are currently located. This button is particularly useful if you have been examining objects in the room.
Who Button: See Who Is Online
See Who Is Online Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with information about every visitor who is currently logged in to the MOO, along with their location in VRoma. If you click on a character's name, you will see information about that person in the web window, including his/her real name and email address. If you click on a character's location, you will teleport to that room in the MOO. Remember that people may be busy or engaged in a class; be polite and type @knock name-of-character to find out if that person is willing to talk with you.
Search Button: Search the MOO Database
Search the MOO Database Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with a search engine for the MOO. Select either Object and User Names (this category includes all objects in the MOO, including rooms and players), User Real Names, or User Email Addresses. Select a category, type a word or words in the search box, and click Search (remember that the actual word or phrase must be part of the object's MOO name, real name, or email address)—this is not a keyword search). In the window will appear a list of links to objects that meet your search criteria, including their icons and object numbers (this is a very useful way to obtain an object number if you need it!). If the object is a room, clicking on the link will take you to that room. If the object is a thing or a player, clicking on the link will give you information in the web window about the object but will not move you to a different location.
My Stuff Button: View My Inventory (for Builders and above)
View My Inventory This button will only appear on the toolbar if your character is a Builder, Programmer, or Wizard. Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with an inventory of all the objects you own; it also shows your quota usage, including how many bytes of quota you still have free. Your objects will appear in tabular form in one or more pages in this window, including their object number, current location, and actions that you can perform on them. Clicking on the name of an object gives you information about that object in the web window (unless the object is a room, in which case you are moved to that room). Clicking on one of the icons in the Actions will enable you to perform specified actions on that object (see icons above).
Options Button: Change My Preferences
Change My Preferences Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window with many different options for customizing your character and the way your VRoma screen appears. Choose a feature from the Select Edit Option drop-down menu and perform the edit; be sure to select Save Changes after each edit in order to make your changes permanent. Many are self-explanatory, but a few of the most useful options will be explained here:
  • Edit Multi-Media Content: You can add a short sound file (e.g. a .wav or .au file) and/or an image or animation or short video clip that will be played once when anyone clicks on your character's name or icon, assuming that the person's computer has the correct equipment to play the file. Any of these files must already be online. To add sound, type or paste the complete URL of the sound file (beginning with http://) in the Audio URL box. To add an image or other multimedia content, type or paste the complete URL of the sound file (beginning with http://) in the Visual URL box. To make an image load faster, you should enter the exact pixel dimensions of the image in the Visual Height and Visual Width boxes. If you want to make a large image appear smaller, type a smaller pixel dimension in one of the boxes and the browser will automatically adjust the other dimension proportionately. Finally, select one of the options in Visual Content Alignment (center is usually the most attractive).
  • Edit Icon: You can add a small image that will appear next to your character's name by typing or pasting the complete URL of the image file (beginning with http://) in the Icon box. This can be the same image as you used in the Visual URL box, because the MOO will automatically reduce it to icon size. If you leave the Icon box blank, the MOO will attach to your name the standard icon of a little Roman with hand raised in greeting; different tunic colors indicate different classes of characters (green for Guests, turquoise for Players, brown for Builders, gold for Programmers, purple for Wizards, and deep blue for Bots).
  • Change Password: You will need both your current password and the new password you want to use.
  • Change Gender: Gender controls the pronouns that the MOO associates with your character. You will notice that MOO gender offers many more choices than are available in real life!
  • Edit Player Messages: This allows you to change the messages others see when you page another player or enter or leave a room. Before making any changes to these messages, be sure to click on the Help icon so that you will understand what symbols to use to make these messages print out correctly in the MOO.
Mail Button: Send and Receive MOO Mail
Send and Receive MOO Mail Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window which enables you to see and read all your MOO mail messages and to send MOO mail to another person. On the left side of this window you will see your personal Inbox and any other mail lists to which you are subscribed. Click on one of these links and you will see on the right side a list of all the messages. You can read each message by clicking on its link, which will give you the text of the message in a separate window; clicking on Reply in this window will enable you to mail the sender a response. After you have read a message, close that window andclick on Delete next to the message name unless you particularly want to save it, since mail messages take up a lot of space in the MOO. If you click on Compose Mail at the top of the Mail window, you will be able to write a message in a separate window. Type the recipient's character name in the To box, a topic in the Subject box, and enter the text of your message in the large box. Then select either Send MOO Mail to send the message in the MOO or Send via Internet to send the message to the recipient's registered email address.
Objects Button: Create and Edit Objects (for Builders and above)
Create and Edit Objects This button will only appear on the toolbar if your character is a Builder, Programmer, or Wizard. Clicking on this button gives a pop-up window which enables you to create new rooms and objects or edit those you already own.
  • Create an object: Select Create New Object, then click on the type of object you would like to create from the list you will see in the right-hand column. Enter a name for your new object in the box provided and click Create.Your character will be carrying the new object, so the first thing you should do is type dropname-of-object; after you have dropped it, click on the Look button on the toolbar and your object will appear in the room.
  • Create a room: Select Create New Object, then click on the type of room you would like to create from the list you will see in the right-hand column (do not choose "generic web page room" unless you are familiar with html). Then enter a name for your new room in the box provided and select from the drop-down list of rooms you own the room to which you want to connect your new room. Then click Create, and you will be given an object number for your new room and a number of options for editing it. If you use this method of creating a room the MOO will name your entrance and exit for you, but you can rename them later.
  • Edit a room or object: Type here if you are in the room you want to edit or the name of the object if you are in the same room with it. Otherwise you have to use the number of the object you want to edit (you can see a list of objects you own by clicking on My Objects). Use the drop-down menu in Select Edit Option to choose the feature you want to edit. These are the three options you will use most frequently:
    • Edit Icon: Rooms should not be given icons. If you are editing an object that is not a room, type or paste the complete URL of the image file (beginning with http://) in this box and the MOO will automatically reduce it to icon size. If you leave the Icon box blank, the MOO will automatically attach a generic icon to your object.
    • Edit Multi-Media Content: If you want your room or object to have a large image, enter the complete URL in the Visual URL box; see above for more information about this editing option.
    • Edit Description: Type or paste in this box text describing your room. Note that the MOO preserves hard returns but not indents, so the best way to indicate paragraphs is to press Enter twice at the end of each paragraph. You may also use standard tags to set off words in italics(<i> </i>), bold type(<b> </b>), or underlining (<u> </u>). Finally, select one of the options in Text Alignment (left usually works best unless your description is short and you want to center it).
Quit Button: Log Out
Log Out Clicking on this button disconnects you properly from the MOO. You should never leave VRoma without clicking Quit or typing @quit in the Input window!

(created February 2003); VRoma Help Library