Notes: (1) Square brackets mean you should substitute appropriate text (without the brackets). (2) These commands must be typed in the command line (also called the input window) at the bottom of the left side of the screen and completed by pressing the Enter key. See the third column for the point and click alternative in the web window or on the Xpress toolbar. This document is also available as an Adobe Acrobat file.
Characters | ||
@password [old password] [new
password] (e.g., @password YnUm fido) |
changes your password to something
you will remember (example changes your password from YnUm to fido) |
Click on the Options button on the toolbar, select Change Password, type in your old password, your new password, and click on Save Changes. |
@rename me to [new name] (e.g., @rename me to Zenobia) |
changes your VRoma character name, as long as the new name has not already been selected by another person. NB: character names should not have any spaces. | Click on the Options button on the toolbar, select Edit Name and Aliases, type in your new name, and click on Save Changes. Also use Options button to select a gender, to describe yourself, and to add an icon by typing the full URL of an online image in the icon box . |
@set me.url_address to "[full
URL of image]" (e.g., @set me.url_address to "") |
when someone clicks on the name of your character, a large image will appear under your description | Click on the Options button on the toolbar, select Edit Multimedia Content, and type in the full URL (including http://) of an online image in the Visual URL box, and click on Save Changes. |
@sethome | makes the room where you are your character's home (i.e., you will automatically be there whenever you log in and you will teleport there when you type home in the command line). NB: to make a room your home you must own it. | command line only! |
look [character name] (e.g., look Scintilla) |
shows the description of a player in the room with you | Click on the name of a character in the room with you. |
@whois [character name] (e.g., @whois Scintilla) |
shows the real name, registered email address, and other information about the player with this character name | Click on the name of a character in the room with you. |
Communication | ||
say [text] "[text] (e.g., say Hi! or "Hi!; it is not necessary to close the quote) |
This is how you talk to players in the same room; in this example, you will see You say "Hi!" and others in the room will see [your character name] says "Hi!" (e.g., Scintilla says "Hi!") | command line only! |
to [character name] [text] (e.g., to Camilla That was a good point you made! | Directs a remark to a specific person in a multi-person conversation; everyone will see Scintilla [to Camilla]: That was a good point you made! | command line only! |
emote [text typed using the
third person] :[text] (e.g., emote laughs. or :laughs.) |
This is how you perform actions in the MOO; in this example, everyone in the room will see [your character name] laughs. (e.g., Scintilla laughs.) | command line only! |
page [character name]
with [text] (e.g., page Scintilla with Hi!) |
This is how you talk to people connected to the MOO but not in the same room as you are; in this example, you will get a message that your message has been sent to Scintilla and Scintilla will see that you say "Hi!" | command line only! |
activate [botname] hush [botname] (e.g., activate Antoninus Pius) |
This is how you turn on and turn off a bot (a MOO object programmed to "speak" with players); once the bot is activated, you can talk to it by using say [text] or "[text] | . command line only! |
Navigation and Object Manipulation | ||
@quit | logs you out of the MOO It is important to conclude every MOO visit by typing this command! |
Click on the Quit button on the toolbar and then click OK when asked if you really want to disconnect from the MOO. |
[exit name] (e.g., east) |
moves you through the exit to the room designated in parentheses after the exit name | Click on the name of the room where you want to go next to the green arrow in the Links column at the bottom of the web window. |
@go [room name] (e.g., @go Circus Maximus) |
teleports you (moves you immediately) to the named room, assuming that there is not more than one room with that name | @go is command line only, but you can teleport to all the major sections of VRoma by clicking on the Xpress button on the toolbar, selecting Quick Jump, then clicking on the name of the room where you want to go. |
@join [character name] (e.g., @join Scintilla). It is polite to first type @knock [character name] to make sure they would welcome you, which they would do by typing @invite [character name] |
takes you to the current location of the named player | Click on the Who button on the toolbar, and you will see a list of currently connected characters plus their locations. Click on the name of the room where the person you want to join is located. |
look [object] (e.g., look cupboard) |
shows the description of the named object | Click on the name or the icon of the object in the web window; this will often provide an image and other information about the object besides its description. |
@examine [object] (e.g., @examine bread) |
gives technical information about an object, including its object number and the "verbs" that enable you to do things with the object (such as take, drop, etc.; some typical verbs are explained below) | Click on the name of an object in the web window, then click on the "help" icon (a small terracotta lamp) that will appear above the object; information about the object will appear in a pop-up window. |
take [object] (e.g., take bread) |
enables you to pick up the object (as long as its creator has not locked it down); your character will then carry the object until you drop it, put it in a container, or give it to another player | Click on the name of an object in the web window, then click on the "take" icon (a hand) that will appear above the object. However, tying take in the command line is a better procedure, because once you select on this icon the MOO assumes that you want to pick up every object that you click on. |
take [object] from
[container object] (e.g., take bread from cupboard) |
enables you to take an object from a container (as long as its creator has not locked it inside the container); your character will then be carrying the object | command line only! |
put [object] in
[container object] (e.g., put bread in cupboard) |
Once you are carrying an object, you can put it into any open container; if the container is closed, type open [container name] (e.g., open cupboard). NB: it is important to put objects back in their containers before leaving a room! | command line only! |
give [object] to
[character name] (e.g., give bread to Scintilla) |
passes an object that you are carrying to the named character, who must be in the same room | command line only! |
drop [object] (e.g., drop bread) |
drops an object that you are carrying. NB: it is important to drop objects where you found them before leaving a room! | command line only! |
Object Creation and Room Building The following commands can only be used if your character is a builder or above; to be promoted to builder status, send a request to |
@create | ||
Via command line: This command creates an object in the MOO (other than rooms and exits -- use @build for that). Type @create and press Enter. When asked to select the type of object you want from a menu, type in the number of the object you want and press Enter (the most common is 5, the generic thing). When asked the name, type a name for your new object and press Enter. When asked to describe your new object, type a description without quotes and press Enter. You will then be given an object number for your newly created object. Your character will be carrying the object, so the first thing you should do is type drop [object]; after you have dropped it, click on the Look button on the toolbar and your object will appear in the room. Via Xpress toolbar: You may also create an object by clicking on the Objects button on the toolbar. Select Create New Object, then click on the type of object you would like to create from the list you will see in the right-hand column. Enter a name for your new object in the box provided and click Create. You will then see an object number and a number of options for editing it. You will still have to drop the object . |
@build | ||
Via command line: This command creates a new room with its associated entrances and exits. First go to a room to which you want to connect your new room (you must already own this room; if you are a new builder, you will be given a "start room"). Then type @build and press Enter. When asked the name, type a name for your new room and press Enter. When asked to name the entrance to your new room from the room you are in, type a simple name for the entrance then press Enter (e.g., east, in, up, etc.; please note that entrance and exit names cannot have spaces). When asked to name the exit from your new room back to the room you are in, type a simple name for the exit then press Enter (use a name with no space that is the opposite of the entrance e.g., west, out, down, etc.). You will then be given object numbers for your newly created room, entrance, and exit. Then click on the Look button on the toolbar and you will see the entrance which you may use to visit your new room. Via Xpress toolbar: You may also create a room by clicking on the Objects button on the toolbar. Select Create New Object, then click on the type of room you would like to create from the list you will see in the right-hand column (do not choose "generic web page room" unless you are familiar with html). Then enter a name for your new room in the box provided and select from the drop-down list of rooms you own the room to which you want to connect your new room. Then click Create, and you will be given an object number for your new room and a number of options for editing it. If you use this method of creating a room the MOO will name your entrance and exit for you, but you can rename them later. |
@dig [exit name]|[exit name] to [room number]
(e.g., @dig east|west to #375) |
Command line only: You will need to use @dig if you are adding exits between pre-existing rooms. First you need to be in one of the rooms you're connecting, and you must know the OBJECT NUMBER of the other room. You cannot refer to it by name. If you do, the MOO will create a new room with this name! To find out the number of a room, type @audit or click on the Search button on the toolbar and type in the room's name. Pay careful attention to the form of the @dig command. The first [exit name] is the exit to the other room. The second [exit name] (separated by a | with no spaces) is the name of the exit from the new room back to the room you're in. The | key is located above the backslash on your keyboard. | ||
@recycle [object] | ||
Via command line: This command destroys an object you own. If you are in the same room as the object you want to recycle, type the name of the object (@recycle bread); otherwise, type the object number preceded by the number sign (@recycle #6078; when asked whether you really want to recycle the object, make sure it is the correct object before typing yes, because the action cannot be undone. You can see all your object numbers by typing @audit) or by clicking on the My Stuff button on the toolbar. This menu also allows you to recycle objects by clicking on the yellow recycling symbol at the end of that object's row. Via Xpress toolbar: The best way to recycle a room that you own is to go to the room, click on the "edit" icon at the top of the web window (a wax tablet and stylus), which will give you a pop-up window with options for editing the room. Leave this editing window open but click on an exit to move to a different room. Then go back to the editing window and click Recycle this object. Click OK when asked if you want to proceed, and the room plus associated entrances and exits will be recycled. This is the easiest way to recycle a room, because it gets rid of your entrances and exits as well. If you are still in the room when you recycle it, your character will be unceremoniously transported to the Prima Porta VRomana. |
@audit | This command provides a list of all the rooms and objects you own, including their names, object numbers, and current location; you may also see this list by clicking the My Stuff button on the toolbar. | |
@quota | This command tells you how much quota (in bytes) you have used, and how much you have remaining. If you need more quota to complete a project, recycle objects you no longer need or contact | |
@measure new | Type this command if the MOO tells you that you are out of quota, even though you can see from the use of @quota that you really aren't. This is because the MOO only tallies up quotas once every 24 hours. You are only allowed a limited number of "untallied" rooms and objects in order to prevent someone from making a lot of objects all at once and going way over their quota. | |
@move [object number] to
me (e.g., @move #6078 to me) |
This command teleports missing objects to your character from wherever they are, after which you can drop them in the appropriate room. You must use the object number, preceded by a number sign, for this command (type @audit or click on My Stuff to find out object numbers). |
(updated February 2003); VRoma Help Library