116 Stoicus occidit Baream delator amicum
discipulumque senex ripa nutritus in illa
ad quam Gorgonei delapsa est pinna caballi.
non est Romano cuiquam locus hic, ubi regnat
Protogenes aliquis uel Diphilus aut Hermarchus,
That tutor most accurs’d his pupil sold!
That Stoic sacrificed his friend to gold!
A true-born Grecian! litter’d on the coast,
Where the Gorgonian hack a pinion lost.
Hence, Romans hence! no place for you remains,
Where Diphilus, where Hermarchus reigns;
Miscreants, who, faithful to their native art,
Admit no rival in a patron’s heart;
For let them fasten on his easy ear,
And drop one hint, one secret slander there,
Suck’d from their country’s venom, or their own,
That instant they possess the man alone;
While we are spurn’d, contemptuous, from the door,
Our long, long slavery, thought upon no more.
’Tis but a client lost! —and that, we find,
Sits wondrous lightly on a patron’s mind;
And (not to flatter our poor pride, my friend)
What merit with the great can we pretend,
Though, in our duty, we prevent the day,
And, darkling run our humble court to pay;
When the brisk praetor, long before, is gone,
And hastening, with stern voice, his lictors on,
Lest his colleagues o’erpass him in the street,
And first the rich and childless matrons greet,
Alba and Modia, who impatient wait,
And think the morning homage comes too late;
Here freeborn youths wait the rich servant’s call,
And, if they walk beside him, yield the wall;
And wherefore? This, forsooth, can fling away,
On one voluptuous night, a legion’s pay,
While those, when some Calvina, sweeping by,
Inflames the fancy, check their roving eye,
And frugal of their scanty means, forbear,
To tempt the wanton from her splendid chair.
Produce, at Rome, your witness: let him boast,
The sanctity of Berecynthia’s host,
Of Numa, or of Him, whose zeal divine
Snatch’d pale Minerva from her blazing shrine:
To search his rent-roll, first the bench prepares,
His honesty employs their latest cares:
121 qui gentis uitio numquam partitur amicum,
solus habet. nam cum facilem stillauit in aurem
exiguum de naturae patriaeque ueneno,
limine summoueor, perierunt tempora longi
seruitii; nusquam minor est iactura clientis.
126 quod porro officium, ne nobis blandiar, aut quod
pauperis hic meritum, si curet nocte togatus
currere, cum praetor lictorem inpellat et ire
praecipitem iubeat dudum uigilantibus orbis,
ne prior Albinam et Modiam collega salutet?
131 diuitis hic seruo cludit latus ingenuorum
filius; alter enim quantum in legione tribuni
accipiunt donat Caluinae uel Catienae,
ut semel aut iterum super illam palpitet; at tu,
cum tibi uestiti facies scorti placet, haeres
136 et dubitas alta Chionen deducere sella.
da testem Romae tam sanctum quam fuit hospes
numinis Idaei, procedat uel Numa uel qui
seruauit trepidam flagranti ex aede Mineruam:
protinus ad censum, de moribus ultima fiet
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