226 hortulus hic puteusque breuis nec reste mouendus
in tenuis plantas facili diffunditur haustu.
uiue bidentis amans et culti uilicus horti
unde epulum possis centum dare Pythagoreis.
est aliquid, quocumque loco, quocumque recessu,
There wells, by nature form’d, which need no rope,
No labouring arm, to crane their waters up,
Around your lawn their facile streams shall shower,
And cheer the springing plant, and opening flower.
There live, delighted with the rustick’s lot,
And till, with your own hands, the little spot;
The little spot shall yield you large amends,
And glad, with many a feast, your Samian friends.
And, sure, — in any corner we can get,
To call one lizard ours, is something yet!
Flush’d with a mass of undigested food,
Which clogs the stomach, then inflames the blood,
What crowds, with watching wearied and o’erprest,
Curse the slow hours, and die for want of rest!
For who can hope his languid lids to close,
Where brawling taverns banish all repose?
Sleep, to the rich alone, “his visit pays:”
And hence the seeds of many a dire disease.
The carts loud rumbling through the narrow way,
The drivers’ clamours at each casual stay,
From drowsy Drusus would his slumber take,
And keep the calves of Proteus broad awake!
If business call, obsequious crowds divide,
While o’er their heads the rich securely ride,
By tall Illyrians borne, and read, or write,
Or (should the early hour to rest invite,)
Close the soft litter, and enjoy the night.
Yet reach they first the goal; while, by the throng
Elbow’d and jostled, scarce we creep along;
Sharp strokes from poles, tubes, rafters, doom’d to feel;
And plaister’d o’er with mud, from head to heel:
While the rude soldier gores us as he goes,
Or marks, in blood, his progress on our toes!
See, from the Dole, a vast tumultuous throng,
Each follow’d by his kitchen, pours along!
231 unius sese dominum fecisse lacertae.
plurimus hic aeger moritur uigilando (sed ipsum
languorem peperit cibus inperfectus et haerens
ardenti stomacho); nam quae meritoria somnum
admittunt? magnis opibus dormitur in urbe.
236 inde caput morbi. raedarum transitus arto
uicorum in flexu et stantis conuicia mandrae
eripient somnum Druso uitulisque marinis.
si uocat officium, turba cedente uehetur
diues et ingenti curret super ora Liburna
241 atque obiter leget aut scribet uel dormiet intus;
namque facit somnum clausa lectica fenestra.
ante tamen ueniet: nobis properantibus obstat
unda prior, magno populus premit agmine lumbos
qui sequitur; ferit hic cubito, ferit assere duro
246 alter, at hic tignum capiti incutit, ille metretam.
pinguia crura luto, planta mox undique magna
calcor, et in digito clauus mihi militis haeret.
nonne uides quanto celebretur sportula fumo?
centum conuiuae, sequitur sua quemque culina.
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