Catullus Poem 29
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QVIS hoc potest uidere, quis potest pati,  1 Who can look upon this, who can suffer this,
nisi impudicus et uorax et aleo,  2 except he be lost to all shame and voracious and a gambler,
Mamurram habere quod Comata Gallia  3 that Mamurra should have what Gallia Comata 
habebat uncti et ultima Britannia?  4 and farthest Britain had once? 
cinaede Romule haec uidebis et feres?  5 Sodomite Romulus, will you see and endure this? 
es impudicus et uorax et aleo.  6 You are shameless and voracious and a gambler.
et ille nunc superbus et superfluens  7 And shall he now, and full to overflowing, 
perambulabit omnium cubilia,  8 make a progress through the beds of all, 
ut albulus columbus aut Adoneus?  9 like a white cock-pigeon or an Adonis?
cinaede Romule, haec uidebis et feres?  10 Sodomite Romulus, will you see and endure this?
es impudicus et uorax et aleo.  11 You are shameless and voracious and a gambler.
eone nomine, imperator unice 12 Was it this then, you one and only general
fuisti in ultima occidentis insula,  13 that took you to the farthest island of the West? 
ut ista uestra diffututa mentula  14 was it that that worn-out profligate of yours, Mentula, 
ducenties comesset aut trecenties?  15 should devour twenty or thirty millions? 
quid est alid sinistra liberalitas?  16 What else, then, is perverted liberality, if this be not? 
parum expatrauit an parum elluatus est?  17 Has he not spent enough on lust and gluttony? 
paterna prima lancinata sunt bona,  18 His ancestral property was first torn to shreds; 
secunda praeda Pontica, inde tertia  19 then came his prize-money from Pontus, then in the third place
Hibera, quam scit amnis aurifer Tagus:  20 that from the Hiberus, of wbich the gold-bearing Tagus can tell. 
nunc Galliae timetur et Britanniae.  21 And him do the Gauls and Britons fear? 
quid hunc malum fouetis? aut quid hic potest  22 Why do you both support this scoundrel? or what can he do 
nisi uncta deuorare patrimonia?  23 but devour rich patrimonies.
eone nomine urbis opulentissime  24 Was it for this that you, o most dutiful father-in-law
socer generque, perdidistis omnia? 25 and son-in-law, have ruined everything?