Location on Forum Plan

Via Sacra
Lapis Niger
Curia (Senate House)
Basilica Aemilia
Templum Antonini et Faustinae
Basilica Constantini
Templum Veneris et Romae
Arcus Titi
Atrium Vestae
Templum Vestae
Templum Juli
Templum Castoris
Basilica Julia
Templum Saturni
Templum Divi Vespasiani
Templum Concordiae
Lacus Curtius
Miliarium Aureum
Arcus Septimii Serveri
Carcer (Prison)

Temple of Concordia

More than two thousand years ago, when the plebeians, who were forced to bear all the burdens of citizenship, were struggling with the patricians for an equal share of the privileges, the aged Camillus, dictator, stood on the steps of the Senate-house and "besought the gods that they would bring these troubles to a happy conclusion, solemnly vowing, when the tumult was ended, to build a temple to Concord." Peace was restored, and in 367 B.C. there rose at the western end of the Forum a temple to the goddess Concord, as a testimony that the long, biter strife between the classes was over.

One can judge the size of the temple from the fact that the Tabularium, built in the time of Sulla, is said to have been based on the size of the Templum Concordiae. This temple was a repository of many fine statues made of silver, gold and marble. Literary references in Pliny refer to these works of art.

The temple was restored in the late empire, standing until the 7th cent. A.D with the inscription: S.P.Q.R. aedem Concordiae vetustate conlapsam in meliorem faciem opere e cultu splendidiore restituerunt.

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please contact any of the project developers with suggestions or comments:
Leslie Flood,Germantown High School, Memphis, Tennessee
Cindy Pope, StarNet Television Network,San Antonio, Texas
Joan Jahnige, Kentucky Educational Television , Lexington, Kentucky
Randy Thompson, Winston Churchill High School, San Antonio, Texas

