Spanish 7
This year-long Spanish class focuses on developing students’ listening, speaking and writing skills. The course centers around Conversaciones contigo, a comprehensive beginning text that gives special emphasis to speaking Spanish while allowing students to experience the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking world within the context of current Hispanic culture.  
In addition to the adopted textbook, an ancillary Spanish revista (magazine), ¿Qué tal? and supplementary technology and multimedia resources will provide students with focused understanding of how to respond and engage Spanish-speakers in everyday, contemporary situations.
By the end of this course, students can expect to accomplish the following:
  1. Understand most Spanish spoken slower than normal pace, understand some Spanish spoken at a normal pace, and develop skills and coping strategies for filling in the gaps of imperfect comprehension;
  1. Speak well enough to be able to ask and answer questions on everyday topics, describe people and places, narrate recurring (present) events and achieve some ability in narrating past events;
  1. Perform many daily routines in Spanish such as making phone calls;
  1. Read simple material, as well as some materials written for the native-speaking reader;
  1. Write with the same proficiency with which they speak.

This page maintained by:
Micheal A. Posey (
Foreign Language Teacher: Latin, Spanish,
The Collegiate School
North Mooreland Road, Richmond, VA 23229
Last update:  
January 17, 2008 1:37 PM
Required textbook:
Conversaciones contigo,
Amsco School Publications, New York:  2007.  
ISBN:  978-1-56765-807-1