X. Palatium
Interactive Bots
Ancient Latin Texts
Modern Latin Textbooks
Clivus Palatinus Area Palatina (including Domus Flavia, Domus Augustana, Domus Tiberiana)
Area Apollinis Palatini Area Sacra (including Temple of Magna Mater, Temple of Victory)

Clivus Palatinus

Directions: Rome, RegX (to Clivus Palatinus); Shortcut @go Clivus Palatinus

Resources: Clickable plan of Palatine hill

Uses: Navigation aid in VRoma

Area Palatina (including Domus Flavia, Domus Augustana, Domus Tiberiana)

Directions: Rome, RegX (to Clivus Palatinus), up (to Area Palatina);Shortcut @go Area Palatina


Uses: As with other parts of the Palatine, this is an excellent locus for exploration and discussion of the magificence of imperial display and the emotions it evoked among the Romans. Some suggestions specific to the Area Palatina follow:

Area Apollinis Palatini

Directions: Rome, RegX (to Clivus Palatinus), up (to Area Palatina),right—rear (to Area Apollinis Palatini);Shortcut @go Area Apollinis


Uses: As with other parts of the Palatine, this is an excellent locus for exploration and discussion of the magificence of imperial display and the emotions it evoked among the Romans. Some suggestions specific to the Area Apollinis Palatini follow:

Area Sacra (including Temple of Magna Mater, Temple of Victory)

Directions: Shortcut::

