SIQVA recordanti benefacta priora uoluptas |
1 |
IF a man can take any pleasure in recalling the thought of kindnesses done, |
est homini, cum se cogitat esse pium, |
2 |
when he thinks that he has been a true friend; |
nec sanctam uiolasse fidem, nec foedere nullo |
3 |
and that he has not broken sacred faith, nor in any compact |
diuum ad fallendos numine abusum homines, |
4 |
has used the majesty of the gods in order to deceive men, |
multa parata manent in longa aetate, Catulle, |
5 |
then there are many joys in a long life for you, Catullus, |
ex hoc ingrato gaudia amore tibi. |
6 |
earned from this thankless love. |
nam quaecumque homines bene cuiquam aut dicere possunt |
7 |
For whatever kindness man can show to man by word |
aut facere, haec a te dictaque factaque sunt. |
8 |
or deed has been said and done by you. |
omnia quae ingratae perierunt credita menti. |
9 |
All this was entrusted to an ungrateful heart, and is lost: |
quare iam te cur amplius excrucies? |
10 |
why then should you torment yourself now any more? |
quin tu animo offirmas atque istinc teque reducis, |
11 |
Why do you not settle your mind firmly, and draw back, |
et dis inuitis desinis esse miser? |
12 |
and cease to be miserable, in despite of the gods? |
difficile est longum subito deponere amorem, |
13 |
It is difficult suddenly to lay aside a long-cherished love. |
difficile est, uerum hoc qua lubet efficias: |
14 |
It is difficult; but you should accomplish it, one way or another. |
una salus haec est. hoc est tibi peruincendum, |
15 |
This is the only safety, this you must carry through, |
hoc facias, siue id non pote siue pote. |
16 |
this you are to do, whether it is possible or impossible. |
o di, si uestrum est misereri, aut si quibus umquam |
17 |
Ye gods, if mercy is your attribute, or if ye ever brought |
extremam iam ipsa in morte tulistis opem, |
18 |
aid to any at the very moment of death, |
me miserum aspicite et, si uitam puriter egi, |
19 |
look upon me in my trouble, and if I have led a pure life, |
eripite hanc pestem perniciemque mihi, |
20 |
take away this plague and ruin from me. |
quae mihi subrepens imos ut torpor in artus |
21 |
Ah me! what a lethargy creeps into my inmost joints, |
expulit ex omni pectore laetitias. |
22 |
and has cast out all joys from my heart! |
non iam illud quaero, contra me ut diligat illa, |
23 |
No longer is this my prayer, that she should love me in return, |
aut, quod non potis est, esse pudica uelit: |
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or, for that is impossible, that she should consent to be chaste. |
ipse ualere opto et taetrum hunc deponere morbum. |
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I would myself be well again and put away this baleful sickness. |
o di, reddite mi hoc pro pietate mea. |
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O ye gods, grant me this in return for my piety. |