Catullus Poem 44
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O FVNDE noster seu Sabine seu Tiburs 1 My farm, whether Sabine or Tiburtine
(nam te esse Tiburtem autumant, quibus non est 2 (for those affirm that you are Tiburtine, who do not love
cordi Catullum laedere; at quibus cordi est, 3 to annoy Catullus, but those who do
quouis Sabinum pignore esse contendunt), 4 will wager anything that you are Sabine)--
sed seu Sabine siue uerius Tiburs, 5 but at all events, whether you are Sabine or more rightly Tiburtine,
fui libenter in tua suburbana 6 I was glad to be in your retreat, 'twixt country and town,
uilla, malamque pectore expuli tussim, 7 and to clear my chest of the troublesome cough,
non inmerenti quam mihi meus uenter, 8 which, my greediness gave me (not undeservedly)
dum sumptuosas appeto, dedit, cenas. 9 whilst I was running after costly feasts.
nam, Sestianus dum uolo esse conuiua, 10 I wanted to go to dinner with Sestius,
orationem in Antium petitorem 11 and so I read a speech of his against the candidate Antius,
plenam ueneni et pestilentiae legi. 12 full of poison and plague.
hic me grauedo frigida et frequens tussis 13 Thereuon a shivering chill and a constant cough
quassauit usque, dum in tuum sinum fugi, 14 shook me to pieces, till at last I fled to your bosom,
et me recuraui otioque et urtica. 15 and set myself right again by a diet of laziness and nettle.
quare refectus maximas tibi grates 16 So now, having recovered, I return you my best thanks
ago, meum quod non es ulta peccatum. 17 because you did not punish my error.
nec deprecor iam, si nefaria scripta 18 And henceforth, if I ever again take in hand the abominable writings
Sesti recepso, quin grauedinem et tussim 19 of Sestius, I freely consent that the chill shall bring catarrh and cough,
non mihi, sed ipsi Sestio ferat frigus, 20 not upon me, but upon Sestius himself,
qui tunc uocat me, cum malum librum legi. 21 for inviting me just when I have read a stupid book.