Catullus Poem 11
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Perseus text of Catullus 11
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FVRI et Aureli comites Catulli,  1 Furius and Aurelius, who will be Catullus's fellow-travellers, 
siue in extremos penetrabit Indos,  2 whether he makes his way even to distant India, 
litus ut longe resonante Eoa  3 where the shore is beaten by the far-resounding
tunditur unda,
eastern wave, 
siue in Hyrcanos Arabesue molles,  5 or to Hyrcania and soft Arabia, 
seu Sagas sagittiferosue Parthos,  6 or to the Sacae and archer Parthians, 
siue quae septemgeminus colorat  7 or those plains which the sevenfold Nile
aequora Nilus, 
dyes with his flood,
siue trans altas gradietur Alpes, 9 or whether he will tramp across the high Alps, 
Caesaris uisens monimenta magni,  10 to visit the memorials of great Caesar
Gallicum Rhenum horribile aequor ulti-  11 the Gaulish Rhine, the formidable Britons,
mosque Britannos, 
remotest of men , 
omnia haec, quaecumque feret uoluntas  13 Oh, my friends, ready as you are to encounter all these risks with me
caelitum, temptare simul parati,  14 whatever the will of the gods above shall bring,
pauca nuntiate meae puellae 15 take a message, not a kind message
non bona dicta. 
to my mistress"
cum suis uiuat ualeatque moechis,  17 let her live and be happy with her paramours, 
quos simul complexa tenet trecentos,  18 three hundred of whom she holds at once in her embrace,
nullum amans uere, sed identidem omnium  19 loving none of them really, but again and again
ilia rumpens;
rupturing every man's thighs.
nec meum respectet, ut ante, amorem,  21 And let her not look to find my love as before; 
qui illius culpa cecidit uelut prati  22 my love which by her fault has dropped
ultimi flos, praetereunte postquam  23 like a flower on the meadow's edge when if has been touched 
tactus aratro est.
by the plough passing by.