Sources for Augustus and
Books: (see also
General Reference Works)
Bartman, Elizabeth. Portraits of Livia: Imaging the Imperial Woman in
Augustan Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Grant, Michael. History of Rome. New York: Scribner, 1978.
Kebric, Robert B. Roman People. Mountain View: Mayfield, 1993.
Kleiner, Diana E., E., and Susan B. Matheson. I Claudia: Women in Ancient
Rome. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1996.
Mellor, Ronald, ed. From Augustus to Nero: The First Dynasty of Imperial
Rome. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1990.
Suetonius, Gaius. The Twelve Caesars. Edited by Michael Grant and
translated by Robert Graves. New York: Penguin, 1979.
Zanker, Paul. The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus. Translated
by Alan Shapiro. Jerome Lectures; 16th series. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press, 1988.
External Links:
- Primary Sources:
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Image List: The
following images from the pages on this topic are available through the
VRoma Image
Archive; further information can be found by consulting the various slide
indices. Images in the VRoma Archive may be used for non-commercial purposes,
either by downloading the images or by linking to them; it is not necessary to
write for permission, but we do ask that you credit the VRoma Project.
busts of Augustus and family |
cameo of Augustus with aegis |
denarius of Octavian with Venus and Octavian
as general |
cameo of deified Augustus |
bust of Augustus with corona civica
Heraklion Archaeological Museum, 1st century
CE |
British Museum, 1st century CE |
Pergamon Museum, pre 31 BCE |
Cologne R-G Museum, 1st century CE
Munich Glyptoteck, 45-50 CE |
Altar of the Lares |
Prima Porta Augustus |
statue of Augustus as Zeus |
statue of togate Augustus |
statue of Augustus as pontifex |
bust of Octavia (?) |
Uffizi Museum, end 1st century BCE
Vatican Museum, end 1st century BCE
Hermitage Museum |
Uffizi Museum |
Terme Museum |
Arezzo, Archaeological Museum, end 1st
century BCE |
bust of Agrippa |
Roma panel and family procession |
imperial family procession |
procession of senators |
equestrian statue of Augustan prince
(?) |
cast from EUR |
Ara Pacis, Rome |
Ara Pacis, Rome |
Ara Pacis, Rome |
British Museum |
bust of Augustan prince (?) |
bust of Agrippina Maior |
statue of Livia |
statue of Livia |
headless statue of Livia |
Mainz Landesmuseum, 1st century CE
cast from EUR |
Madrid Archaeological Museum, 1st century
CE |
Madrid Archaeological Museum (cast from
EUR) |
Munich, Glyptoteck, after 14 CE |
bust of Livia |
bust of Livia |
bust of Livia |
cameo of Livia with bust of Augustus
statue of Livia |
Vienna KH Museum, end 1st century BCE
British Museum, c. 30-20 BCE |
Hermitage Museum, 1st century CE |
Vienna KH Museum, after 14 CE |
Vatican Museum, end 1st century BCE
statue of Drusus Maior |
bust of Drusus Maior |
bronze head of Tiberius |
bust of Tiberius |
bust of Tiberius |
Vatican Gregorian Museum |
cast from EUR |
British Museum. 1st century CE |
British Museum. 1st century CE |
Hermitage Museum. 1st century CE |
ruins of Villa Iovis |
Villa Iovis, execution point |
bust of Germanicus |
bust of Drusus Minor |
bust of Agrippina Minor |
Capri |
Capri |
cast from EUR |
Uffizi Museum |
Munich, Glyptoteck |
bust of Agrippina Minor |
statue of Agrippina Minor with goddess
attributes |
bust of Caligula |
Getty Museum, c. 60 CE |
Vatican Gregorian Museum, 1st century
CE |
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1st century
CE |
Return to Augustus and Tiberius
revised November, 2001
Barbara F. McManus