Vergil places the inventor-craftsman Daedalus in Cumae, where legend said he arrived after escaping from King Minos, ruler of Crete, on wings he built for himself and his son Icarus, who tragically plunged to his death when the sun melted the wax of his wings. In thanksgiving for his own safe arrival, he built a Temple to Apollo, on the doors of which he carved scenes from the lurid story of Pasiphae, her lust for the bull which produced the Minotaur, the Labyrinth, Ariadne's rescue of Theseus, and his own involvement, which cost his son his life (Aeneid 6.14-33).
Rejecting just such epic themes for the sick reality of the world around him, in his first satire Juvenal lists the story of Daedalus and the death of his son Icarus as one of several he is sick of hearing about: et mare percussum puero fabrumque uolantem (Saturae 1.54).