Señor M. A. Posey, Instructor
Study Hall: extra-help hours M-F until 3:30 p.m. and by appointment.
I can always be reached by email:
or by phone: (804) 740-7077 Ext. 3614
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In our ever smaller world, in which we are thrust into instant communication with what were once remote and distant nations and peoples, the ability to speak a "foreign" language is more important than it has ever been. Spanish is the official language, not only of Spain, but also of México, Central America, the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Dominican Republic, and most of South America. Spanish, with approximately 320 million speakers, is the fourth most spoken language on the planet and the United States is now officially the third largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Spanish is spoken by approximately 10% of the total population of the United States (nearly 25,000,000 people).The goals of this class are for the student to gain competency in communication and proficiency in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These goals will be reached through several mediums including the use of the Rassias method, a fast-paced language drill which encourages students to speak the language; Spanish videos which show native speakers in real-life situations; and project presentations which will highlight cultural and historical aspects of Spanish-speaking countries.
After this introductory course to the Spanish language, students should be able to read, write and communicate such basic items as their personal information (age, name, birthdate), relate actions in the present, past and simple future and understand simple commands and questions in the target language.
This page maintained by:
Micheal A. Posey (
Foreign Language Teacher: Latin, Spanish, The
Collegiate School
North Mooreland Road, Richmond, VA 23229
Last update: Sunday, 21 September, 2003