Latin Grammar Drills

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  1. Latin sentence patterns and present tense verbs
  2. Case endings for Nominative and Accusative
  3. Verb conjugations; gender of nouns; agreement of adjectives with nouns
  4. Using plurals
  5. Verb personal endings; Ablative case
  6. Present active infinitives; vocative case; asking questions
  7. Third declension; irregular verbs-eo, sum, & possum
  8. Imperative mood; prepositions with the correct case
  9. Genitive case; forming adverbs
  10. Neuter gender
  11. Dative case
  12. Review the use of cases; translating there is, there are
  13. Relative clauses
  14. Personal Pronouns
  15. Irregular verbs- volo, nolo; irregular imperatives; review of hic, ipse, etc.
  16. Imperfect and perfect tenses
  17. Numerals; expressions of time; principal parts of verbs
  18. Pluperfect tense; expressions of place; Locative case
  19. Fourth declension
  20. Fifth declension
  21. Principal parts of verbs ; ablative case uses
  22. Irregular verbs: fero, eo, possum, volo, nolo
  23. Comparative and Superlative adjectives
  24. Comparison of irregular adjectives and adverbs
  25. Present Participles; asking questions
  26. Future and Future Perfect Tenses
  27. Relative Pronouns

(These exercises are from the website