Latin One Projects: White Station High School
First Six Weeks
The Founding of Rome and the Monarchy: Due September 11
1. Read and summarize the story of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome. (1 or 2 pages typed)
Read your book, page 85+ and at least one other source.
2. Read and summarize the story of the Rape of the Sabine Women. ( 1 or 2 pages typed)
3. List the 7 Kings of Rome and give one thing each king did for the good of Rome. Memorize their names in order. ( You will
have to know these for tests.) See your book, page 109-111.
4. Choose one king to research further and write 1 or 2 pages typed telling about him.
5. Put all of your information in a folder. Make a cover page and bibliography page.
Second Six Weeks
Roman Clothing and Making a Costume
1. Write one page telling about the different pieces of Roman clothing. Memorize the terms and be able to identify.
2. Get material and a pattern and make a costume.
Third Six Weeks
Arts and Crafts: Choose one to imitate Roman art.
1. Draw a picture, maximum size is 16X14, minimum size is 8x11. Color it using a medium of your choice.
2. Make a colorful mosaic. Use paper cut into 1" squares. First draw and outline your image. Fit the paper squares into your image inside the outline. You can recut some of the paper to fit into curves. Page 92 in your book is an excellent example of a mosaic.
3. Write a modern myth, length is 4 - 6 typed pages. Find pictures in magazines to illustrate your story.
4. Architecture: Build a model of something such as a Roman temple, the Pantheon, Colosseum, a Roman house.
5. Draw a detailed map of Italy using Roman names. Color it. Size: between 8x11 to 16x14. Show roads and territories as well as cities.