Catullus Poem 116
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SAEPE tibi studioso animo uenante requirens 1 I HAVE often cast about with busy questing mind
carmina uti possem mittere Battiadae,
how I could send to you some poems of Callimachus,
qui te lenirem nobis, neu conarere 3 with which I might make you placable to me, and that you might not try
tela infesta mittere in usque caput,
to send a shower of missiles to reach my head;
hunc uideo mihi nunc frustra sumptum esse laborem, 5 but now I see that this labour has been taken by me in vain,
Gelli, nec nostras hic ualuisse preces.
Gellius, and that my prayers have here availed nothing.
contra nos tela ista tua euitabimus amictu 7 Now in return I will parry those missiles of yours by wrapping my cloak round my arm;
at fixus nostris tu dabis supplicium.
but you shall be pierced by mine and punished.