- Roman Forum
- Via Sacra
- Lapis Niger
- Curia
- Basilica Aemilia
- Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
- Basilica Constantine
- Temple of Venus and Rome
- Arch of Titus
- Regia
- House of the Vestals
- Temple of Vesta
- Temple of Julius Caesar
- Temple of Castor and Pollux
- Basilica Julia
- Temple of Saturn
- Tabularium
- Temple of Vespasion
- Temple of Concordia
- Lacus Curtius
- Rostra
- Milarium Aureum
- Arch of Septimus Severus
- Carcer
Forum Romanum
- From the Palatine with the Temple of
Antoninus and Faustina in the center
- From the Basilica Aemilia to the Palatine,
side of the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Temple of Vestae
- From the steps of the Curia to the Arch
of Titus
- From the Palatine to the Curia, good
- Great picture of the Arch of Titus,
through the Arch of Septimus Severus, from the Capitoline
- From the corner stone of the
Arch of Augustus to the Capitoline Hill, Via Sacra
- From the Palatine
- Reconstruction
- Reconstruction
computer generated model
- Reconstruction
computer generated model
- Roman Forum Quicktime
Via Sacra
- Via to the North, from the Temple
of Antoninus and Faustina to the Arch of Septimius Severus
- Via to the South, from the Temple
of Antoninus and Faustina
- Via to the South, from the Temple
of Antoninus and Faustina to the Arch of Septimius Severus
- From the corner stone of the
Arch of Augustus to the Capitoline Hill
- From the Basilica Julia to
the south
- From
the Basilica to the Arch of Titus
Lapis Niger
Curia (Senate House)
- The Curia and the Column of Phocias
- The Curia Doors now on St. John's Basilica
- The right interior of the Curia
- Interior
- Interior
- Interior Left
- Interior Steps and Statue
- Front View
- Interior
- Floor
- Floor and relief
- Close up of exterior
- Exterior from the Basilica Julia
- Very good shot of the exterior
- Close-up exterior shot
- Close-up shot of relief
- Interior left rear corner
- Curia in reconstruction
model of the Forum
Basilica Aemiliae
- View from above of the basilica
floor to the south, and side of the Curia
- Interior wall and arch
- Great interior shot toward the Temple
of Antoninus and Faustina
- View from above of the basilica
floor, looking to the rest of the forum, including the Curia
- Interior from the South
to the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
- American dollar and coin on the marble floor
next to the oxidation marks
- Gold coin earrings on the marble floor
near oxidation marks
Templum Antonini et Faustinae
- Front view
- Front close-very good
- Front view
- View
from the Atrium Vestae
- Many
photographs and computer generated models of the temple
Basilica Constantini
- View of basilica from the
Palatine Hill
- Close-up
- Interior
Templum Veneris et Romae
Arcus Titi
- Interior relief of the carrying
off of the spoils of the temple
- Close-up of interior relief
of the carrying off of the spoils of the temple
- From the Colosseum, up the Via
Sacra, nice shot
- Sunset at the Arch of Titus
- Close-up of inscription, good
picture of the SPQR
- Apotheosis relief on the
- Interior relief
- Side view
- Full view
- Top of arch
- Statue of Titus from the Capitoline Museum
- Arch
with the Colosseum in the background
- View
of the side of the arch facing the Forum
- View
of the Interior Arch
- From the North
- Site
- Reconstruction Drawing
Atrium Vestae
- Aerial view from the Palatine
- Statue of a Vestal Virgin
- From the South, row of Vestal
Virgin statues
- Statues in the atrium
Templum Vestae
- From the Temple of
Divine Caesar
- Back view
- From the steps of the Curia
- Close-up with the Palatine Hill
- Back view 2
- Back view with the columns of
the temple of Castor and Pollux
- Good image
- Close-up of top
- From the distance with the Palatine Hill
- Closeup of the temple
- From
the Front
Templum Divi Caesaris
- Altar
- Outer walls with the
Temple of Vesta
- Good image
- Reconstruction
Templum Castoris et Pollucis
- columns
- columns with sun in the background
- from the back of the temple of Vesta
- Back view of the Temple of Vesta
with the columns of the temple of Castor and Pollux
- Statues of Castor and Pollux on
the Capitoline Hill
- Backview of the statues of Castor
and Pollux
- Columns
from the Capitoline Hill with the Arch of Septimus Severus background
Basilica Juliae
- On the steps of the basilica toward the
columns of Castor and Pollux
- Column bases on the interior
- From the Capitoline Hill
to the South of the Forum
- Gallery
- Gameboard on the steps
- Southeast Corner
- Steps
- Interior from the Temple
of Saturn
- Reconstruction
- Reconstruction
computer generated model
Templum Saturnae
- Temple and the interior
of the Basilica Julia
- front view
- from the Forum proper, view of the
Rostra, Column of Phocas
- Great view from the base of the
- From
the backside
- Large picture from the southeast
- From the southwest
- Close-up picture
- Close-up
Templum Vespaniani Divi
- image
Templum Concordiae
Lacus Curtius
- Marker
- Front with the Tabularium in the
- Reconstruction
- From the southeast
- From the front
- Reconstruction
Milarium Aureum
Arcus Septimi Serveri
- From the steps on the Capitoline
- From infront of the Basilica Aemilia,
Via Sacra
- Altar inside
- Drawings of interior
- Exterior