According to Suetonius (Julius Caesar 31-32), Caesar
overtook his advanced guard at the river Rubicon, which formed the frontier
between Gaul and Italy. Well aware how criticial a decision confronted him, he
turned to his staff, remarking: We may still draw back: but, once across
that little bridge, we shall have to fight it out. As he stood, in two
minds, an apparition of superhuman size and beauty was seen sitting on the
river bank playing a reed pipe. A party of shepherds gathered around to listen
and, when some of Caesar's men, including some of the trumpeters, broke ranks
to do the same, the apparition snatched a trumpet from one of them, ran down to
the river, blew a thunderous blast, and crossed over. Caesar exclaimed:
Let us accept this as a sign from the Gods, and follow where they beckon,
in vengeance on our double-dealing enemies. The die is cast.
(translated by Robert Graves )