Image List for the Roman Army, Part II

For books and external links on this topic, see Roman Army I, Sources

The following images from the pages on this topic are available through the VRoma Image Archive; further information can be found by consulting the various slide indices. Images in the VRoma Archive may be used for non-commercial purposes, either by downloading the images or by linking to them; it is not necessary to write for permission, but we do ask that you credit the VRoma Project.

legionary soldiers replica of legionary helmet replica of caligae reconstructed legionary belt ancient shield boss
relief from Trajan's Column replica of helmet replica of caligae reconstructed belt shield boss
Trajan's Column (cast from EUR) EUR Museum Aalen Limesmuseum Bad Deutsch Altenberg Museum Mainz Landesmuseum, 2nd century CE

ancient pilum (bent) drawing of gladius statue of legionary drawing of early imperial legionary drawing of later imperial legionary drawing of legionary on march
bent pilum gladius statue of legionary drawing of legionary drawing of legionary drawing of legionary
Budapest National Museum, 1st century CE modern model from EUR Mainz Landesmuseum Mainz Landesmuseum Mainz Landesmuseum

drawing of legionary on parade drawing of cavalarymen drawing of cavalaryman on parade cavalry parade mask from Eining cavalry parade helmet, Ribchester
drawing of legionary drawing of auxiliary drawing of auxiliary parade mask parade helmet
Mainz Landesmuseum Mainz Landesmuseum Mainz Landesmuseum Munich Praehistorisches Museum, 3rd century CE British Museum

horse eye protector from Eining tombstone of cavalryman tombstone of cavalryman, Longinus tombstone of cavalryman, M. Aemilius Durises drawing of cornicen
horse armor auxiliary tombstone auxiliary tombstone auxiliary tombstone drawing of cornicen
Munich Praehistorisches Museum, c. 233 CE Ribchester Museum Colchester Museum Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, c. 80 CE Mainz Landesmuseum

legionaries besieged by Dacians testudo formation model of siege of Avaricum models of siege machines replica of catapult
relief from Trajan's Column relief from Trajan's Column siege model siege engines catapult
Trajan's Column (cast from EUR) Trajan's Column (cast from EUR) EUR Museum Aalen Limesmuseum EUR Museum

replica of catapult replica of catapult soldiers tending wounded model of soldiers quarrying stone model of soldiers building Hadrian's Wall
catapult catapult relief from Trajan's Column soldiers quarrying soldiers building wall
Saalburg Museum Madrid Archaeological Museum Trajan's Column (cast from EUR) Cologne, R-G Museum Housesteads Museum

drawing of soldiers building London bridge house door with corona civica relief Augustus with corona civica ancient silver phalerae bronze military diploma
soldiers building bridge house door Augustus phalerae diploma
Museum of London Pompeii, Reg II, Ins II, No 4 Munich Glyptoteck, 40-50 CE Mainz Landesmuseum Budapest National Museum, 1st century CE

facsimile of diploma statuette of trophaeum relief of trophaeum relief of captive and trophy Trajan & captives
diploma trophy relief from Trajan's Column captive relief from Trajan's Column
98 CE (Egbert 1896) Munich Praehistorisches Museum Trajan's Column (cast from EUR) Fiesole Museum, 1st century CE Trajan's Column (cast from EUR)

Trajan & captives triumph, sacrificial animals triumph, spoils triumph, captives triumph, senators & triumphator
relief from Trajan's Column triumph model triumph model triumph model triumph model
Trajan's Column (cast from EUR) model from EUR model from EUR model from EUR model from EUR

triumphator in chariot aureus of Octavian with triumphal chariot cameo, triumph of Hadrian honey-cake mold, triumph of Marcus Aurelius Arch of Titus denarius of Octavian with triumphal arch
triumph model Octavian coin triumph triumph Arch of Titus Octavian coin
model from EUR Pergamon Museum, 31-27 BCE Berlin, Antiken Museum, 2nd century CE Acquincum Museum, 2nd century CE Rome, 81 CE Pergamon Museum, 31-27 BCE

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revised January, 1999
Barbara F. McManus