Cloelia's Statue
(Pliny the Elder 34. 28-29)

horse head from equestrian statueWithout a doubt, pedestrian statues were the rule a long time ago; nevertheless the origin of equestrian statues is extremely ancient, even with women, since honor was conferred upon Cloelia through an equestrian statue, as if it were not enough that she was clad in a toga! However they were not decreed for Lucretia and Brutus, who had expelled the kings, because of whom Cloelia had been among the hostages. I should believe that this, with the statue of Horatius, was the first statue dedicated at public expense—for it is probable that Tarquin set them up for Attus Navius and the Sibyl and the kings themselves set them up for themselves—if Piso also did not record that the statue of Cloelia was set up by those who had been hostages with her and were returned by Porsinna in her honor.

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