Chapters I and II

Exercise I-II, A. For example:

 o( dh~moj  nominative  singular  masculine
 th~ max/h|  dative  singular  feminine
 to\n Aristei/dhn  accusative  singular  masculine
 tw~n politw~n  genitive  plural  masculine
 th~j a)gora~j  genitive  singular feminine
 oi( a/)rxontej  nominative  plural  masculine
 to\ o)/strakon  accusative  singular  neuter
 to\n a!nqrwpon  accusative  singular  masculine
 tw~| o)stra/kw|  dative  singular  neuter

Exercise I-II, B.

 1. oi)ki/an acc, sing, fem of oi)ki/a, th/n  6. qeoi/ acc, plu, masc of qeo/j, oi(
 2. a)nqrw/pwn gen, plu, masc of a!nqrwpoj, tw~n  7. fwnai/ nom, plu, fem of fwnh/, ai(
 3. qew|~ dat, sing, masc of qeo/j, tw~|  8. paidi/oij dat, plu, neut of paidi/on, toi~j
 4. paidi/on nom/acc sing, neut of paidi/on, to/  9. nekrou~ gen, sing, masc of nekro/j, tou~
 5. fwnh/n acc, sing, fem of fwnh/, th/n  10. qeai/ nom, plu, fem of qea/, ai(

Exercise I-II, C.

1. a!nqrwpoj  6. oi)ki/aj
2. paidi/ou  7. nekroi~j
3. a)nqrw/pw|  8. fwnai/
4. a)nqrw/pou  9. paidi/on
5. paidi/wn  10. qeou~j

Exercise I-II, D

 1. tw~n kalw~n a)nqrw/pwn   gen, plu, masc  tou~ kalou~ a)nqrow/pou
 2. tou~ i(mati/ou kalou   gen, sing, neut  tw~n i(mati/wn kalw~n
 3. h( kalh\ qea/   nom, sing, fem  ai( kalai\ qeai/
 4. ta\j deina\j qala/ttaj   accu, plu, fem  th\n deinh\n qa/lattan
 5. to\n kalo\n a!nqrwpon   accu, sing, masc  tou\j kalou\j a)nqrw/pouj
 6. tw~| kalw~| a)nqrw/pw|   dat, sing, masc  toi~j kaloi~j a)nqrw/poij
 7. tai~j kalai~j fwnai~j   dat, plu, fem  th~| kalh~| fwnh|~
 8. toi~j deinoi~j potamoi~j   dat, plu masc  tw~| deinw|~ potamw~|

Exercise I-II, E. For example:

 e)/xousi  third  plu
 gra/fei  third  sing
 gignw/skw  first  sing

Exercise I-II, F.

 1. a)kou/eij  you hear
 2. ei)sbai/nw  I go in
 3. keleu/ousi  they order
 4. ble/pei  she looks at
 5. dida/skomen  we teach
 6. kaqeu/dete  you sleep
 7. ei)sbai/neij  you go in
 8. keleu/ei  he orders
 9. a)kou/w  I hear
 10. dida/skousi  they teach

Exercise I-II, G.

 1.The man is sleeping.  third, sing
 2.The gods and the goddesses hear the children.  third, plu
 3.The child sleeps in the house.  third, sing
 4.Thrasymachus looks at the beautiful sea.  third, sing
 5 The men look at the river.  third, plu
 6.The good child puts on the clothes.  third, sing
 7. I teach the children because the god orders.  first, sing
 8. We hear the voice of the god.  first, plu

Exercise I-II, H.

1. The god is good.   oi( qeoi/  ei)si/
2. The good men are clever.  o( kalo\j a!nqrwpoj  e)sti/
3. I am in the house.    e)sme/n
4. The child has the obol but the goddess has the lightning.  ta\ paidi/a, ai( qeai/  e)/xousi
5. Aren't we good?  (  ei)mi/

Exercise I-II, I.

 1. a)kou/eij, you hear, a)kou/e, hear!
 2. xai/rete, you (pl) are rejoicing, xai/rete, rejoice!
 3. e)ndu/eij, you put on, e)ndu/e, put on!
 4. keleu/ete, you (pl) order, keleu/ete, order!
 5. keleu/eij, you order, keleu/e, order!
 6. dida/skeij, you are teaching, dida/ske, teach!

Exercise I-II, J.

 1. Child, put on the cloak.
 2. Men, teach the children
 3. Good man, speak.
 4. Enter the beautiful house.
 5. Goddess, listen.

Exercise I-II, K

 1. a)na/ktwn, gen plu, a/)naktoj  6. a!nakti, dat sing a!naci
 2. ku/na, accu sing, ku/naj  7. sto/mata, nom. accu plu, sto/ma
 3. a!nakta, accu sing, a!naktaj  8. swma/twn, gen plu, sw/matoj
 4. sw~ma, nom, accu sing, sw/mata  9. sw/matoj, gen sing, swma/twn
 5. sto/masi, dat plu, sto/mati  10. a!nac, nom sing, a!naktej

Exercise I-II, L.

 1. a)na/ktwn, tw~n kalw~n  6. a!nakti, tw~| kalw~|
 2. ku/na, to\n kalo/n  7. sto/mata, ta\ kala/
 3. a!nakta, to\n kalo/n  8. swma/twn, tw~n kalw~n
 4. sw~ma, to\ kalo/n  9. sw/matoj, tou~ kalou~
 5. sto/masi, toi~j kaloi~j  10. a!nac, o( kalo/j

Exercise I-II, M.

1. ...but he wrote the name on the ostrakon. accu, sing, neuter, direct object.

2. The man speaks to the other ruler. dat, sing, masc, indirect object.

3. The name is beautiful. Is Pluto a god? Is he good? nom, sing, neuter, subject.

4. The dogs guard the house. accu, sing, fem, direct object.

5. The body of the dog is beautiful. gen, sing, masc, possession.

6. The man guards the body of the ruler. accu, sing, neuter, direct object.


Exercise I-II, N.

 1. Who is the god? ti/nej ei)si oi( qeoi/;
 2.We see some (a) man in the islands of the blessed. ble/pomen tina\ a)nqrw/pouj e)n tai~j tw~n o)lbi/wn nh/soij.
 3. What child is in the house? ti/na paidi/a ei)sin e)n th~| oiki/a|;
 4. What goddess rules in the beautiful country? ti/nej qea\i a)na/ssousi e)n th~| kalh~| xwra~|;
 5. What men teach the children of the ruler? ti/j a!nqrwpoj dida/skei ta\ tou~ a!naktoj paidi/a;

Exercise I-II, P.

 1. Four dogs are in the house of the the lords. nom, plu, subject
 2. Who has one dog? nom, sing, subject
 3. Six good men run to the sea. accu, sing, object of preposition
 4. We see four children in one land. dat, sing, object of preposition
 5. What man sees one child in the house of the three lords? accu, sing direct object

Exercise I-II, R.

 1. e)gw/, nom, sing, I, e)mou~, of me  4. e)moi/, dat, sing, to me, e)me/, me
 2. soi/, dat, sing, to you, sou/, of you  5. h(mw~n, gen, plu, of us, h(mi~n, to us
 3. u(mei~j, nom, plu, you, u(ma~j, you  6. u(mi~n dat plu, to you, u(mw~n, of you

Exercise I-II, S.

 1. I see you. Do you see me? accu, sing, direct object. nom, sing, subject.
 2. To you we are sending some children. dat, plu, indirect object. accu plu, modifies direct object.
 3. Four good men are looking at us. accu, plu, direct object.
 4. Do you hear the beautiful god? nom, plu, subject.
 5. Do not kill me! accu, sing, direct object.