Documentation distributed at the 1998 Workshop

This documentation is available in 2 different formats: regular HTML web pages for use on-line and Adobe PDF for printing and distribution. The advantage of the PDF version is that it preserves the original formatting of the handout and makes a much nicer copy if you actually want to use these as handouts, i.e. distribute them to an audience at a workshop or to your students. To view (and print) the PDF version, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat plugin for your browser. If you don't already have it (if you're using Netscape, select "About Plugins" from the "Help" menu, and look for "Adobe Acrobat"), use the button below to go to the Adobe site and download it. (You will need to quit your browser to install it.) Many documents on the web are in PDF format, so this is a useful plugin to have!

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  1. The VRoma MOO in the Latin Classroom | Adobe PDF version
    various uses of the VRoma MOO for teaching Latin, and the process for getting ready to take students on-line
  2. Introduction to the VRoma MOO | Adobe PDF version
    covers hardware and software requirements, the VRoma interface, the functions of all the buttons, basic communication and navigation, basic building and MOO mail
  3. Using the MOO Object Editor | Adobe PDF version
    how to use the Object Editor ("customize rooms and objects" button) to customize your rooms and other MOO objects by adding descriptions, images and links

    Main Help Page

Please direct questions about this document to
22 August 1998

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